Ahoy Mateys
HV Pirate Festival/ Mother's Day Wknd Celebration
Patrons, We will be open Rain or shine so please Come on out and play!
My name is Cheryl Olsen and together with a Staff of fantastic,creative,dedicated ,tolerant friends & family, We bring to you :
Mystik Bazaar Events:
Hudson Valley Pirate Festival . This all started 6yrs.ago after watching many Pirate Movies as well as Muppet Treasure Island, we thought " Hey..we love Pirates,lets do a Pirate festival,
On Sat & Sun. May 10th & 11th 2025 HV PIRATE FEST returns to the Ulster County Fairgrounds for A Weekend Long Celebration for Mother's Day!! More information to Follow. SAVE THE DATES!!
Pirate Wenches interested in joining the Ship...The Queen Cle' Toria, please email us at Mystikbazaar@gmail.com
Membership includes: A special Pirate Wench Pin, a song book with all the special songs we sing, a license to Wench,a paddle with your new Pirate Wench Name, signed by the Captain Herself! and a free drink at MkKrakynn's Pub, before attending the MkKrakynn Sisters Adult night show, the chance to join a group of Women that believe in the 4F's that are a true Pirate Wenches code!! Fight, Flirt,F**k, & Freedom to do them all!!
This year as in the past years, we are offering to you our loyal friends a chance to Get off your Ship and sail with us!!
Remember when your part of HVPF, it has its privledges.
for more info on joining the ship please contact: Captain Morganna
mystikbazaar@gmail.com or call me (845)706-4307 Cheryl
The Ship is built but needs a crew, would ye be interested in sailing ?
We are accepting vendors for this years Festival
Please contact us for an application: