Actors/Volunteers Wanted

Ahoy Mateys Captain & Her Crew the Story Catching Captain Willie (game) Food and Beverages Entertainment Cast and Crew Vendors 2025 ADULT Night SHOW !8 & UP ONLY THE ENCHANTED GLEN Where We will Be in 2025 HV Pirate Fest 2023 Gallery High Woods, Home to the High Elves Mother's Day Celebration PUCK EWE..Golf...with Sheep chicken Strippers, the game HV Pirate Fest 25 Tickets MkKrakynn Sister's for hire Adults only, Night Show Games



If you have ever thought of being someone else and would actually like the chance to learn "How to Be Who/What you want to be" We here at Mystik Bazaar Events, can teach you how, ask us about our lessons and how to become a part of something REALLY FUN!!



We need Pirates, Wenches, Shop Workers, Towns Folk, Royalty, Fae Folk, Mermaids, Unicorns, Trolls,  


The Royal Fairy Court



 Queen Titania- 

Lord Oberon- 

Grand Master Puck-slight knowledge of Golf is needed for this Game

Chicken Strippers Big Chicken - Person to dress up in blowup chicken costume and blind folded you seek out the screeching chicks and hit them with a Feathered Riding Crop

 Flower Fairies-

Rose, Lilac, Daisy, Peony, Morning Glory etc..


The MkKrakynn Sister's are auditioning ladies that can dance a bit, sing a tad, but mostly, yield a whip, maybe a Paddle, but definately a sense of humor. We Run the Pub, The over 18+ adult night show and the Dungeon.

contact: Cheryl- Pleazure MkKrakynn @  (845)706-4307