Actors/Volunteers Wanted
If you have ever thought of being someone else and would actually like the chance to learn "How to Be Who/What you want to be" We here at Mystik Bazaar Events, can teach you how, ask us about our lessons and how to become a part of something REALLY FUN!!
We need Pirates, Wenches, Shop Workers, Towns Folk, Royalty, Fae Folk, Mermaids, Unicorns, Trolls,
The Royal Fairy Court
Queen Titania-
Lord Oberon-
Grand Master Puck-slight knowledge of Golf is needed for this Game
Chicken Strippers Big Chicken - Person to dress up in blowup chicken costume and blind folded you seek out the screeching chicks and hit them with a Feathered Riding Crop
Flower Fairies-
Rose, Lilac, Daisy, Peony, Morning Glory etc..
The MkKrakynn Sister's are auditioning ladies that can dance a bit, sing a tad, but mostly, yield a whip, maybe a Paddle, but definately a sense of humor. We Run the Pub, The over 18+ adult night show and the Dungeon.
contact: Cheryl- Pleazure MkKrakynn @ (845)706-4307